577. William R. Coe House (FY 1991)

577. William R. Coe House (FY 1991)
109 Crafton Street
Contributing, ca. 1923

A typical duplex of the 1920’s, the Coe House is a two-story weatherboarded frame dwelling with a gable roof with overhanging eaves, a pair of interior chimneys, bungalow style windows and doors, and a pair of front corner porches, each with a gable roof, Tuscan posts, and a plain balustrade.


The little-altered duplex was built as rental property by E.A. Tucker, who owned the property from 1915 to 1946 but lived next door at 1141 West End Boulevard (547). It is interesting to note that the form and style of this duplex, its date of construction, and its relationship to its owner who lived next door are very similar to the Trivette House (574) on Crafton Street)


In 1946 W.R. and Beatrice Coe, along with W. and Mildred Garner, purchased the house. Coe, who was a barber, occupied the house with his family since ca. 1935. They continued to live here until selling the property in 1967. (TR, CD)

Garage, Noncontributing:On the south side of the house is a one-car garage constructed of grooved concrete blocks (perhaps intended to receive stucco) and brick with a low hipped roof. It was probably built after 1930.