574. Fred B. Trivette House (FY 1988)
1508-1510 Jarvis Street
Contributing, ca. 1924
The Trivette House is a typical 1920’s duplex. It is a two-story frame dwelling with a gable roof, off-center exterior end chimneys, paired bungalow style windows, and a pair of front corner porches with gable roofs, Tuscan posts, and plain balustrades with central “star” panels. The duplex has been sheathed with asbestos shingles (probably mid-century), but the basic form and detailing remain clear.
Bert and Corinna Bennett, who lived next door at 1101 West End Boulevard (540), purchased this property in 1919 and built the duplex for rental purposes. By 1925 it was listed in the city directory as the residence of Howard E. (Cleo) Fulton, vice-president of the J.G. Flynt Tobacco Company Occupancy changed frequently, and in 1946 Fred B. Trivette purchased the property. The 1950 city directory lists Fred B. Trivette, assistant secretary of Piedmont Leaf Tobacco Company, and his wife, Daisy, at this address. Trivette owned the house until 1970, (TR, CD)