We Need You!

West Enders,
Yes, it is that time of the year.  We have 5 positions on the Board that we are examining for continuation or new members.  Mark Lively has appointed me to lead the nomination committee.
There are exciting projects for your Board this year:
  • membership drive
  • coordination with possible Arts Fest
  • improvements at Hanes Park
  • discussions regarding Spring Park and Central Park
  • traffic calming
  • continuing applications for Certificates of Appropriateness
  • Website, newsletter and Facebook
  • parties, holidays and celebrations
  • MORE
If you or someone you knows that lives in the neighborhood has skills or interest in serving your neighborhood please let me know in the next two weeks about your/their interest.
Board service requires attendance of a meeting once per month and leadership with a project or task and possible participation on a committee or task force.  Board members must be paid members of the WEA. Bylaws are available on our website. You are welcome to contact me or other Board members about additional information.  The West End Association is one of the oldest non profit neighborhood associations in NC originally founded to protect the neighborhood’s future and Hanes Park when a planned freeway was proposed to bisect the Park in the ’60s.  The Association has successfully brought the neighborhood back to beauty, safety, care and prominence over the years.
George Bryan