West Enders! Join your neighbors for a Night at the Ballpark!

Thursday June 20, 7PM
Winston-Salem Dash vs. Lynchburg Hillcats
Your West End Association invites you to come out and enjoy America’s Pastime with your friends and neighbors and the Winston-Salem Dash!
It’s Thirsty Thursday at BB&T Ballpark! Come pick up your free Dash ballcap, a cheap beer, a hotdog, sit back on a warm summer evening with baseball and good conversation … live the good life in Camel City!
If you’re not in the WEA, you can change that for the crazy low price of $20 per household, be part of what’s going on all year, and grab your free tickets! So click here to Join Now!
Include your name/address and how many tickets you’d like.
Non-members, tickets are $10 each. We’ll accept mail orders that reach us by June 15. Make a check out to “West End Assoc.” and mail to:
Dash Night
West End Association
PO Box 21054
Winston Salem, NC 27120-1054
On Game Day you can pick up your tickets anytime after noon at the ballpark box office, or at the Will Call window at game-time.