292 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1926
The Joyce House is a foursquare Colonial Revival house with a low hip roof with widely overhanging boxed eaves, paired sash windows, and front entrance and south side porches with slender Tuscan columns. A screened porch has been added above the side porch, probably post 1950. The house is complemented by a stone retaining wall and curving stone steps which lead from the corner of the yard.
Walter V. Joyce, president of Joyce Brothers wholesale grocers, purchased the property in 1926 and built the house soon thereafter. His family owned it until 1950. Since 1960 the house has been owned by the Raper family. (TR, CD, SH)
Behind the house is a noncontributing rusticated cinderblock and frame garage/storage building which was probably built post 1930.