592. Sydney L. Wommack House (FY 2006)

138 Taylor Street
Contributing, 1922

The Wommack House is a well-preserved one-and-a-half-story frame dwelling with many typical characteristics of the bungalow house type. The handsome house has a weatherboarded first story, a coursed wood shingle upper story, a steep gable roof with widely overhanging braced eaves, a matching front dormer, an off-center gable end chimney, grouped bungalow windows, and an engaged porch across the left two-thirds of the facade with a tapered wood cornerpost, brick plinths, and a plain balustrade.

Sydney L. Wommack, chief engineer of the Crystal Ice Company, purchased the property at the end of 1921. In 1922 he was listed in the city directory at 118 Taylor Street (FY 587), but by 1923 he and his wife, Ada, had moved to this address. The Wommacks sold the house in 1965. (TR, CD)

Downhill behind the house, and facing Crafton Street, is a non-contributing multi-car garage of rusticated cast stone blocks and a shed roof which is built into the side of the hill. It was probably built after 1930.

Crystal Ice and Coal Truck, 1958