589. Gerard T. Emmart House (FY 2003)
124 Taylor Street
Contributing, ca. 1917
The Emmart House is another good example of the numerous classic bungalows built in the West End during the 1910’s and 1920’s. It is a one-and-a-half-story weatherboarded frame dwelling with a steep gable roof with widely overhanging braced eaves, a front shed wall dormer, and an engaged front porch with heavy paneled posts on brick plinths and a plain balustrade. A small engaged porch between two end rooms is found on the rear of the house. In recent years an exterior frame stair was added to the north side to accommodate an upper floor apartment, but this has not hidden the original appearance of the house.
It was listed for the first time in the city directories in 1918 as the residence of Gerard T. and Katie P. Emmart, and the following Katie Emmart listed the property for taxes. Gerard Emmart was manager of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Katie Emmart still occupied the house in 1940, and she sold it in 1946. (CD, TR)