566. Duplex (FY 1980)
126 S. Sunset Drive
Contributing, ca. 1924
Similar in form, though not in detail, to the duplex next door (565), this one is a representative example of those erected in the 1920’s. The large two-story weatherboarded building has a truncated hip roof with enclosed eaves with flat brackets, a hipped dormer, bungalow style windows, and a pair of front corner porches with square posts and parapeted roofs which shelter French door entrances and large three-part windows.
As with the duplex next door, this property was purchased by Mrs. Hazel D. Norfleet in 1920. By 1925 this location was listed in the city directory, with J. o. Turner as occupant. Directories reveal that the duplex has been rarely owner-occupied. (TR, CD)