563. Ferebee-Carter House (FY 989)

563. Ferebee-Carter House (FY 989)
110 S. Sunset Drive
Contributing, ca. 1910

The 1917 Sanborn Map shows that this house had been built by that year. Its form and style are older than most of the houses on the street, and it may well date from ca. 1910, if not earlier. It is a two-story frame dwelling, three bays wide and one-room deep, with a one-story rear ell. The house has a triple-A gable roof, a pair of interior chimneys, and a facade porch with Tuscan columns and a plain balustrade. The detailing of the house, along with its traditional form, is what suggests a probable early twentieth century construction date. Of particular interest are the front door with narrow sidelights, transom, and crossetted and pedimented surround, the two-over-two sash windows with the same crossetted and pedimented surround, and the sawnwork decoration around the semi-circular attic vents. Recent additions include aluminum siding and a picket fence around the front yard, but these interfere little with the integrity of the house.


The earliest history of the house is unclear, for the first city directory listing for this location was in 1922, when the house was the residence of W.H. and Nora Ferebee. W.H. Ferebee worked in the roundhouse of Norfolk and Western Railroad before he became a grocer around 1922. Family tradition says that the Ferebees purchased this house and the vacant lot next door (future 562) in 1919, and that after building the other house (562 – 106 S. Sunset Drive), they moved into it and sold this one in 1927. From 1945 until the 1960’s the house was owned and occupied by Ethel and Gilmer Carter. (SH, I-Marvin Ferebee, CD, TR)