550. Powell-Hall House (FY 1965)
1163 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1915
This well-preserved bungalow is a one-and-a-half-story weatherboarded frame house with a broad gable roof with overhanging braced eaves, a pair of interior brick chimneys, a gabled front dormer with French doors which open to a balustraded deck on the porch roof, and a front porch with paneled posts, a plain balustrade, and a slightly projecting entrance bay with a pebbledash-covered pedimented gable. The surprisingly elaborate front entrance has a glass and wood paneled door and fancy leaded glass sidelights and transom.
From 1916 through 1918 George E. and Hattie Powell were listed in the city directory at this location. In 1918, however, Samuel and Hattie Hall acquired the property, and in the 1920 directory they were listed at this location. S.W. Hall was a Baptist minister. The house remained in Hall family ownership until 1977. (CD, TR, SH)