528. House (FY 1943)
1100 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1923
This handsome bungalow is nearly identical to the house across the street, 1101 West End Boulevard (540). It is a one-and-a-half-story frame dwelling with a weatherboarded first story, a wood shingled upper story, a broad gable roof with widely overhanging braced eaves with simple bargeboards, and a matching front dormer with four sets of casement windows. The engaged front porch with heavy brick posts and a plain balustrade shelters a Craftsman front door and three-part bungalow windows with fancier-than-usual diamond-patterned upper sash.
Tax records and city directories suggest that the house has been used primarily as rental property, although it is now owner-occupied. Effie M. Vinson purchased the property in 1922, and the first city directory listing for this location was in 1924, when it was the residence of S. R. Warner. Although the Vinson family owned the property until 1975, they appear to have resided here for only a short while around 1940. (TR, CD)