523. Frank B. Benbow House (FY 1938)

523. Frank B. Benbow House (FY 1938)
1025 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1915

The Benbow House is a large, two-story frame, Colonial Revival dwelling. It has a gabled roof with cornice returns, gabled dormers, a left front projecting bay, a central entrance with sidelights and transom, and a front porch with Tuscan columns, a full entablature, and a pedimented entrance bay. The south bay of the porch has been enclosed, a second story has been added to the original one-story rear wing, and the house has been sheathed with asbestos shingles, probably all during mid-century. These changes, however, have not destroyed the positive contribution the house makes to the overall character of the neighborhood.


Attorney Frank A. Benbow acquired the property in 1915, and the following year he and his wife, Fannie, were listed at this location in the city directory. The Benbow family owned and occupied the house until 1939. By 1960 it had been converted to five apartments. (TR, CD, SM)