522. William A. Burke House (FY 1937)
1021 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1910
The Burke House is a large, two-story frame, Colonial Revival dwelling with a pedimented gable roof, gabled dormers, a three-bay facade with a sidelighted central entrance, a one-story Classical porch with Tuscan columns and a full entablature, and an upper deck onto which second story French doors open. Since mid-century the house has been sheathed with asbestos shingles, and a one-story rear wing appears to have been added since 1917, but these changes have not destroyed the overall architectural character of the house.
William A. and Pansy Burke acquired the property in 1910, and the following year they were listed in the city directory at this location. H.A. Burke was an employee of Fries Manufacturing and Power Company and later of RJR Tobacco Company. The Burke’s occupied the house until Mrs. Burke sold it to Julia Street in 1950. Street converted the house to three apartments, and it remains apartments. (TR, CD, SM)