515. Dr. Vann M. Long House (FY 1930)
1024 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1912
A stone retaining wall and stone steps lead to the front of this well-preserved Craftsman house. The two-story dwelling has a weatherboarded first story, a pebbledash second story, a low hip roof with widely overhanging eaves, a small matching dormer, paired twenty-over-one sash windows, a Craftsman front door, and a porch with paired Tuscan columns on brick plinths and a plain balustrade.
Mrs. Hannah Bruce Long purchased the property in 1912, and that same year she and her husband, Vann, were listed as “h, Boulevard Ext.” As this area of the West End was further developed, subsequent directories gave more exact addresses for the house. Vann Long was a physician. The Longs occupied the house for years, and their heirs retained ownership until 1980. (TR, CD, SH)
Garage/storage building, Noncontributing: Behind the house is a garage/storage building of undetermined construction date with a pyramidal roof and corrugated metal siding