500. Jones-Haddry-Mciver House (FY 1916)
122 Piedmont Avenue
Contributing, ca. 1916
This handsome one-story frame Colonial Revival cottage is characterized by weatherboard siding, a steep hip roof, a hip-roofed front dormer, a glass and wood paneled entrance with plain sidelights and transom, and a Classical front porch with paneled posts, a plain balustrade, and a pedimented entrance bay.
The first city directory listing for the house was in 1916 as the residence of Frank B. and Carrie Jones, who continued to occupy the house for several years. In 1924 it was first listed for taxes by J.T. Maddry, secretary for the Morris Plan Industrial Bank. He and his wife, Katherine, resided here until the early 30’s, and then rented the house until selling it in 1946. In 1951 Emory R. and Ruby McIver purchased the an employee of RJR Tobacco Co, (CD, TR, SH)
Garage, Noncontributing:Behind the house is a one-car concrete block garage with a gable roof, which was built after 1930.