466. Wilson-McRae House (FY 1887)
1260 W. Fourth Street
Contributing, ca. 1917
This one-story bungalow is a mirror image of 1262 W. Fourth Street next door (#467). The weatherboarded house has a broad front-facing gable with a bargeboard and overhanging braced eaves, side shed dormers, nine-over-one sash windows with crossetted and battered surrounds, and a glass and wood paneled entrance with sidelights and the same crossetted and battered surround. The semi-engaged corner porch has square posts and a weatherboarded balustrade.
In the 1918 city directory Mrs. Lula A. Wlilson, widow of E. H. Wilson, was listed at this address. In 1924 Mrs. Sarah E. McRae, widow of A. s. McRae, purchased the house and the McRae family owned and occupied it until 1978. (SM, CD, TR)