462. William H. Holcomb House (FY 1883)

462. William H. Holcomb House (FY 1883)
1238 W. Fourth Street
Contributing, ca. 1920

This typical bungalow is a one-and-a-half-story frame house with a broad gable roof with overhanging braced eaves, a matching wood-shingled front dormer, nine-over-one and eight-over-one sash windows, and a gable-fronted porch with paneled Classical posts set on brick plinths. On the south side of the house is a sun room. The most handsome exterior detail is the front entrance with its Craftsman style glass door and sidelights and Classical surround. The body of the house has been sheathed with aluminum siding, probably during the third quarter of the century, but the house still contributes positively to the character of the West End through its form and detail.


The property was first listed for taxes by William H. Holcomb in 1919, and by 1921 he and his wife, Sophrinia, were listed at this location in the city directory. Holcomb was secretary-treasurer for the City of Winston-Salem and was the commissioner of the public accounts and finance office. By 1930 he had died, but Sophrinia continued to occupy the house until selling it in 1973. (TR, CD)