458. Ernest G. Shore House (FY 1879)
1212 W. Fourth Street
Contributing, ca. 1917
The Shore House is characteristic of many bungalows in the West End. The one-and-a half-story frame dwelling features a weatherboarded first story, a wood shingled upper story, a broad gable roof with widely overhanging braced eaves with bargeboards, a large front dormer with four sets of casement windows and details matching those of the main roof, and a front porch beneath the flared sweep of the roof. The original porch has been altered (mid-twentieth century?) with ironwork posts and balustrade and metal awnings, but the house still makes a positive contribution to the architectural character of the West End through its many original details which remain intact.
The house appears on the 1917 Sanborn Hap, but the first city directory listing was in 1918, when this was the residence of A. Frank Stevens, manager of the Belk-Stevens Company, and his wife, Nellie. From then until 1934 there were several occupants and owners, including members of the interrelated Silbert and Cohen families. In 1934 Ernest G. and Lucille Shore bought the house for their residence, retaining ownership until 1981. Ernie Shore was a long-time sheriff of Forsyth County and it was for him that Winston-Salem’s baseball field was named. (SH, CD, TR)