427. Drugstore (FY 1007)
848 W. Fourth Street, including 807-809 Burke Street
Contributing, ca. 1915
This commercial building is attached to the western end of the four rowhouses at 840-846 W. Fourth Street and was built at the same time. It uses the same brick and granite as the rowhouses, but its design is different — more commercial than residential in appearance. The two-story structure projects forward from the line of the rowhouses and has an angled facade to accommodate the transition from Fourth Street to Burke Street. It has a heavy modillioned cornice, a narrow front entrance, segmental-arched windows, a row of shop windows along Burke Street, and a west side wing.
In 1915 the building was used as McArthur’s Drugstore, but by 1920 it was Hutchins Drugstore, which it remained until the 1930’s. In 1945 Phelps Shoe Repair occupied the site, and by 1970 it was still at this location. The building is now used as offices. For more information, see #423, also #424, 425, and 426.) (CD)