381. Bess Gray Plumly House (FY 1424)

381. Bess Gray Plumly House (FY 1424)
821 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1924

The Plumly House is one of the elegant Colonial Revival dwellings built in the West End during the 1920’s. The large two-story brick veneer house has a five-bay facade, a slate-covered parapeted gable roof with gable end chimneys, particularly nice Classical dormers, a modillioned cornice, keystoned window lintels, and a central entrance porch with Tuscan columns and a full entablature with a dentiled and modillioned cornice. The six-panel front door is enframed by sidelights and transom. The rear has a shed porch with Tuscan posts and s plain balustrade. A one-story shed addition and deck have been built to the rear of the house, but these changes have had little effect on its overall integrity.


In 1923 the property was first listed for taxes by Wachovia Bank & Trust Company as trustee for Bessie Gray Plumly. In the 1925 city directory Hrs. Plumly, who was the widow of Charles Plumly and the daughter of James A. Gray, was first listed at this location along with Aurelia, Elizabeth and Lindsay Plumly. Prior to this time Bessie Plumly had lived for several years across the street at 814 West End Boulevard (#377). In 1960 Mrs. Plumly was still living in the house, but in 1964 it was sold and has had several subsequent owners. (TR, CD)