37. Roland C. Taylor House (FY 919)

156 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1905

The Taylor House is an example of one the more simple Queen Anne-influenced houses built in the West End in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It is a two-story frame dwelling with a right front projecting bay. Exterior decoration is found only in the fish scale-cut wood shingles and in the front porch with its turned posts and balustrade (which continues down the front steps) and sawnwork brackets. Aluminum siding has been added in the last decade, but does not detract from the overall character of the house.

Roland C. Taylor, a bookkeeper for Marler Dry Goods Company, purchased the property in 1904, and he and his wife, Eleanor, were listed at this location by 1906. They, or she (after his death), continued to occupy the house until the late 1930’s, and retained ownership until 1945. (D, TR, CD, SH)

37.11917 Sanborn Map, page 86 at “142” West End