339. Lawrence-Shore-Byerly House (FY 1782)
1228 Glade Street
Contributing, ca. 1917
Like the other houses along this stretch of Glade Street, this one is situated on a hill with a terraced front lawn, long flights of steps, and a stone retaining wall. The well-preserved English cottage-influenced house is a two-story dwelling with a pebbledash first story, a wood shingled second story, and a gabled roof with widely overhanging braced eaves. The house is also characterized by groups of twelve-over-one and sixteen-over-one sash windows, a Craftsman front door, and front and side porches with heavy square posts and simple brackets.
The house is shown on the 1917 Sanborn Hap, and the first listed occupants were Charles s. and Alice Lawrence. He was a physician. By 1920, however, J. I. Shore was living in the house, and the Shore family continued to occupy it until 1927, when it was purchased by Thomas J. and Habel Byerly. He was vice-president of Farmers National Bank. After Byerly’s death, Hrs. Byerly continued to occupy the house until selling it ca. 1960. (SH, CD, TR)
Garage, Contributing: On the alley behind the house is a one-car pyramidal-roofed pebbledash garage which matches the house and appears to be contemporary with it.