324. Motsinger-Shore House (FY 1301)
1301 Clover Street
The Motsinger-Shore House is a large two-story weatherboarded dwelling of simple Colonial Revival design. It has a hip roof with widely overhanging eaves, a matching front dormer, twelve-over-one sash windows, and a wrap-around porch (now partially enclosed)with Tuscan columns and a plain balustrade. A granite retaining wall borders the front of the property. Sanborn Maps show that the house had been built by 1912, although the 1912 and 1917 maps depict it as a one-and-a-half-story structure. If so, its enlargement to a full two-stories appears to have been an early alteration, possibly dating from the 1920’s.
The first tax listing was for Mrs. Myrtle C. Motsinger, and in the 1916 city directory, she and her husband, H. Eugene, were listed at this location. He was secretary of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. The Motsingers lived in the house until ca. 1932, when it was sold to R. D. Shore. The city directories show that it was actually Shore’s brother, Kerner E., and his family (formerly of 1281 W. Fourth Street, #487), who lived in the house until around 1960, (SM, TR, CD)