321. William Owen McCorkle House (FY 953)
1201 Clover Street
Contributing, ca. 1906
The McCorkle House is a traditional early twentieth century dwelling which exhibits a typical combination of late Victorian and Colonial Revival stylistic influences. The two-story weatherboarded dwelling has front and side gables with shingled gable ends, a left front projecting wing, a central entrance with sidelights and transom, and a wrap-around porch with Tuscan columns, a plain balustrade, and a pedimented entrance bay with shingled gable.
William Owen McCorkle, who was a manager at RJR Tobacco Company, listed the property for taxes in 1905, and in 1908 he and his wife, Addie Brown (daughter of Rev. Henry Brown whose house was next door, #320), were living at this location, according to the city directory. The McCorkle family continued to occupy the house until selling it in 1968. (TR, CD, OS)
Garage/storage building, Noncontributing: Behind the house is a one-car German sided garage/storage building with a pyramidal roof which appears to post date 1930.