312. Keiger House (FY 1763)
1400 Brookstown Avenue
Contributing, 1919
The Keiger House is a well-preserved standard bungalow. The wood shingled one-and-a-half-story house has a broad gable roof with widely overhanging eaves, a matching front dormer, six-over-one sash windows, a three-panel Craftsman front door, and a broad gabled front porch with Craftsman-detailed square posts. A shallow shed-roofed bay projects from the southeast side of the house, while a sun room is on the northwest side.
Sally H. Keiger, wife of physician Oscar R. Keiger, purchased the property in 1919, and by the following year they were listed at this location in the city directory. Mrs. Keiger owned the property until 1959. (TR, CD, SH)