227. Warren House (FY 1686)
621 Jersey Avenue
Contributing, ca. 1925
As with many bungalows, this one is larger than it initially appears, in this case because the second story is disguised behind shed-roofed wall dormers. Other features of the weatherboarded house include a broad gable roof, an engaged porch with heavy stuccoed Tuscan columns and a plain balustrade, and eight-over-one sash windows, mostly in pairs. In recent years an addition and deck have been built to the rear of the house, but these do not detract from its architectural integrity.
Gaither L. Warren purchased the property in 1924, and by 1928 the house had been built for Gaither, his wife, Lola, and their family. In the 1962 the house passed to Jack N. and Mary Alice Warren, and they occupied it until 1970. (TR, CD, SH, I-Mary Alice Warren)