226. Putnam-Header House (FY 1685)

226. Putnam-Header House (FY 1685)
625 Jersey Avenue
Contributing, ca. 1920

The form of this well-preserved bungalow is typical of many built in the 1910’s and 1920’s. It is a one-and-a-half-story frame dwelling with a clipped gable roof and front dormer with widely overhanging braced eaves. The broad sweep of the roof shelters the engaged front porch with its groups of square posts on brick plinths and plain balustrade. Probably during the mid-twentieth century the house was sheathed with asbestos shingles, but this has not significantly altered its appearance.


The property was purchased by John L. and Dora Putnam in 1919, and they built their house shortly thereafter. In 1951 the Putnams sold the property to John D. and Gladys R. Meador, who retained ownership until 1976. Both Putnam and Header were employees of R. J, Reynolds Tobacco Company (TR, CD, SM)