217. Charles S. Noble House (FY 1677)

217. Charles S. Noble House (FY 1677)
714 Manly Street
Contributing, 1923

The Colonial Revival detailing of this house is typical of the period, but the form is somewhat unusual. It is a two-story weatherboarded frame house with a gable roof which sweeps low in the rear. The facade features an off-center porch with paneled wood posts and a plain balustrade and a left front second story wing which projects over the porch. The north slope of its gable sweeps downward to porch roof level.


In 1923 Charles s. and Edith A. Noble purchased the property and built the house as their residence. He was president of Cobb-Noble-Loyd Company, a real estate and general insurance firm, and secretary-treasurer of Citizens Building and Loan Assn. The Nobles owned the house until 1942, The longest subsequent owners were John F. and Rena L. Wallace, from 1944 to 1974. (TR, CD, SH)