204. Penry-Austin House (FY 1665)
825 Sixth Street
Contributing, ca. 1911
The Penry-Austin House is a two-story pebbledash dwelling very similar to the Maynard House at 212 West End Boulevard (#70). It is a simple but dignified Colonial Revival house with a hipped roof, a two-bay facade, and a hip-roofed front porch with square Classical posts and a plain balustrade. The entrance is highlighted by sidelights and transom.
Caleb B. and Camilla Penry occupied the house during the 1910’s. In 1920 it was purchased by I. A. and Arrie Bella Austin, and it was their residence through most of the 1920’s. Later owners of length include Oscar F. and Mabel Griffith and John T. and Bettie Brown. (CD, TR, SH)
Garage, Noncontributing:Behind the house is a one-car cinderblock garage with a pyramidal roof which appears to date from the mid-twentieth century.