523 Summit Street
Contributing, ca. 1910
The Pepper-McClung House is a large, two-story frame, symmetrically-planned Colonial Revival house with a hip roof, a gabled front dormer with a Palladian window, slightly projecting bays on either side of the house, and a large wrap-around porch with Tuscan columns and a deck above the central entrance bay.
The focal point of the exterior is the elaborate front entrance with a glass and wood paneled double-leaf door, leaded and beveled glass sidelights and transom, and a Classical surround with Roman Doric columns and pilasters. Flanking the entrance are large windows with leaded glass transoms. Alterations include the addition of aluminum siding during the last decade and the replacement of the original Roman Doric columns with Tuscan columns, probably during mid-century, but these changes do not destroy the architectural integrity of the house.
The interior is ornamented with a Roman Doric colonade dividing the front hall from the rear stair hall, a Colonial Revival stair, parquet floors, a vertical sheathed wainscot, three pairs of sliding pocket doors, and well-developed dining room mantel and cupboard details.
Georgia A. Pepper purchased the property in 1895, and she and her husband, Thomas, lived first in a one-story house. Between 1907 and 1912, however, the present house was constructed. It remained in the Pepper-McClung family until ca. 1970. (SH, TR, CD)
1912 Sanborn Map, page 15 at 523 Summit
1917 Sanborn Map, page 85 at 523 Summit