488. Lipscomb-Criner House (FY 1907)

488. Lipscomb-Criner House (FY 1907)
109 Piedmont Avenue
Contributing, ca. 1915

This unusual one-and-a-half-story frame cottage has a weatherboarded first story, a wood shingled upper story, and a front-facing clipped gable roof with side shed dormers. The front porch has heavy square posts, a plain balustrade, and a shed roof which flares outward. A stone retaining wall borders the front yard. The house was first listed in the 1916 city directory as the residence of William H. and Harriet Rankin.


The house appears to have been used as rental property for many of its years. In 1929 Mary B. Lipscomb purchased the house, and she and her husband, H. Taverner Lipscomb, occupied it at least through 1945. Thereafter, the house was the long-time residence of Arthur c. and Ethel Criner until 1982. (SH, CD, TR)