The West End Association is recruiting new board members!
Dear West End Neighbors:
The West End Association (WEA) is a volunteer non-profit board, created to protect the interests of West End residents and support our community through the delivery of social, humanitarian and community events. The WEA represents and advocates for cooperative planning between residents, developers, city planners and other city departments. The West End Association is seeking candidates for the 2022 board. If you would like to help shape the future of the West End and be part of the innovation and leadership of our community, please consider joining the board. New board member election will be held at the WEA Members Meeting to be held May 23, 2022.
The West End Association delivers meaningful change
● Development of a Neighborhood Crime Watch Facebook Group and liaison with City of Winston Salem police department
● Served as liaison with the Forsyth County Historic Review Commission to ensure revisions to the Design Review Standards represented the preferences of the community
● Advocated and achieved traffic calming islands to make our neighborhood a safer place to live
● Developed an active and energized web presence linking residents to local business
● Develops a community newsletter, the West Ender
● Sponsors multiple social events from virtual cocktail parties, Bark in the Park, Community gardening projects, Holiday Food Drive for the Shalom Project, “Battle of the Hoods” blood drive West End vs Ardmore Association and the Holiday Homes Tour.
Board meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of every month from 6:00pm – 7:30pm.
Duties and Responsibilities of Board Membership
● Attend all regular and special board meetings
● Prepare for each Board of Directors meeting by reading material distributed prior to the meeting
● Share resources and talents with the organization, including expertise, contacts for financial support, and community feedback.
● Serve as an advocate of the organization
● Be accessible to other Board Directors as needed
● Serve on at least one committee and actively participate in meetings.
If you are interested in joining the WEA Board or have questions, please contact WEA Board Director, George Bryan, at