336 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1924
The Matthews House is a two-story brick veneer Colonial Revival dwelling characterized by a Classically detailed gable roof, a three-bay facade with ten-over-one sash windows and sidelighted entrance, and a Classical entrance porch with Tuscan columns, a dentiled cornice, and a balustraded deck. The sun room on the south side of the house repeats the detailing of the entrance porch. Typical of this stretch of West End Boulevard, the Matthews House has a stone retaining wall and a flight of stone steps leading to the upper level of the yard.
Everett D. Matthews, an employee of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, purchased the property in 1919 and built the house in 1924. The Matthews owned and occupied the house until 1957, when they sold it to present owners Robert B. and Jane Hill. (TR, OS)
Garage, Contributing: Behind the house stands a two-car brick garage with a pyramidal roof, probably built shortly after the house.