569. Vinson House (FY 1983)
1410 Jarvis Street
Contributing, ca. 1924
This unusual one-story bungalow is completely sheathed with wood shingles and has a tin-shingle clipped gable roof and a SW side pergola-like porch. Other features include paired nine-over-one sash windows and a central entrance with sidelights and a gabled hood.
In 1922 Effie M. Vinson purchased the property, and by 1925 she and her husband, Luby, were listed in the city directory at this location. He was a salesman for Home Real Estate and Insurance Company In 1940 Mrs. Vinson was still living in the house, but by 1950 it was being used as rental property, The Vinson family retained ownership until 1972. (TR, CD)