565. Duplex (FY 1979)
118 S. Sunset Drive
Contributing, 1920’s
This duplex and the one next door (#566) are very similar in form though they differ in detail. Both are typical of duplexes built in the 1920’s. This one is a large two-story pebbledash building with a truncated hip roof with overhanging eaves, a hipped front dormer with battered sides, bungalow style windows, a four-bay facade, and a pair of front corner porches with Tuscan columns, plain balustrades, and parapeted roofs. Next to the French door entrances are large three-part windows.
The property was purchased by Mrs. Hazel D. Norfleet in 1920, and she probably had the duplex built as investment property during the following few years. She owned the building until 1944. City directories show that the duplex has rarely been owner-occupied. (TR, CD)