553. J. Dobson Long House (FY 1968)
107 S. Sunset Drive
Contributing, ca. 1927
This simple but neat bungalow is currently in the process of a sensitive rehabilitation. It is a one-story weatherboarded house with a front-facing clipped gable roof, a porch across the right half of the facade which repeats the clipped gable of the main roof, and paired six-over-one sash windows.
J.D. and Lillian Long purchased the property in 1926 and in 1928 they were listed in the city directory at this location. Dobson Long was a clerk at the P.H. Hanes Knitting Company. By 1930 the Longs were no longer living in the house, and it appears to have been used as rental property under numerous owners for most of the years thereafter. (TR, CD)