546. Roby L. Wagner House (FY 1961)
1131 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1922
The Wagner House is a large, rambling, one-and-a-half-story frame dwelling with predominantly bungalow style detailing. The house has a hip roof with widely overhanging eaves with shaped rafter ends, large matching dormers, groups of bungalow style windows, a bungalow front door with sidelights, and a wrap-around porch with tapered wood posts on square plinths. Because of the downward slope of the land behind the house, its rear reveals four different levels. The house has been sheathed with aluminum siding (probably in mid-century), but this alteration has had little effect on its overall character.
Roby L. Wagner, a food store inspector for the City Health Department, first listed the property for taxes in 1921, and in 1923 he was listed with his wife, Ruby, at this location in the city directory. The house remains in Wagner family ownership and occupancy, although it appears to have been converted to apartments. (TR, CD)
Garage, Contributing: Downhill from the house is a two-car frame garage with weatherboard siding, a pyramidal roof, and a room or rooms on the lower level created by the slope of the land. It probably predates 1930.