545. Dr. Albert D. Edwards House (FY 1960)
1123 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1915
Although it has been sheathed (probably in mid-century) with asbestos shingles, the Edwards House remains a delightfully unusual, though simple, dwelling. The two-story frame house has a front-facing gable roof with widely overhanging eaves, large corner braces, and a sawnwork bargeboard decorating the front gable. The two-bay facade has a glass and wood paneled entrance with sidelights and transom. The offset corner porch features paneled Tuscan posts, a plain balustrade, and a shed roof which converts to a pedimented gable roof at the extended end. By contrast, the rear of the house has a corner porch with square posts and a turned balustrade.
A particularly odd feature of this property is the marble gravestone in the front yard which says, “Albert D. Edwards, H.D., Aug. 11, 1876-Feb. 15, 1934, A friend to humanity.” It sits with other plain marble slabs on the ground around the front steps.
Dr. A.D. Edwards purchased the property in 1915, and the following year he and his wife, Maude, were listed in the city directory at this location. The house remains in Edwards family ownership and occupancy. (TR, CD, SH)