540. Bert L. Bennett House (FY 1955)
1101 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1920
This handsome bungalow is nearly identical to 1100 West End Boulevard (#528) across the street. The Bennett House is a one-and-a-half-story frame dwel1ing with a weatherboarded first story, a wood shingled upper story, a broad gable roof with widely overhanging braced eaves and bargeboarded slopes which curve slightly outward toward front and rear, and a large gabled dormer with a row of four casement windows. Other features include interior end chimneys, bungalow windows with fancy diamond-patterned upper sash, and a front porch with heavy stuccoed brick posts and a plain balustrade. Unlike its mate, this house has a small shed-roofed wing attached to the southeast side.
Bert L. Bennett, president of Bennett-Lewallen Company (wholesale cigars and tobacco), and his wife, Corinna, purchased the property in 1919 and by 1921 were listed in the city directory at this location. The Bennetts sold the house in 1929, and since then it has had numerous owners and occupants. (TR, CD)