530. Roberts-Lehman House (FY 1945)

1110 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1911

The Roberts-Lehman House is one of the most distinctive of the “Dutch” Colonial Revival houses in the West End. It is a large one-and-a-half-story weatherboarded frame dwelling with a triple-gambrel roof. The front gambrel has diamond-muntined upper sash which match the diamond-muntined sidelights and transom of the glass and wood paneled front entrance. Other details include interior end chimneys, one-over­ one sash windows with wood louvered shutters, a front porch with Tuscan columns and a plain balustrade, a high brick foundation, and a long flight of balustraded wood steps leading to the front entrance, Like other houses on the street, this one has a stone retaining wall by the sidewalk and stone front yard steps.

The house was built by the Southern Development Company, a West Virginia corporation, according to the owner survey form on this property. William J. Roberts acquired the property in 1911, and in 1912 he and his wife, Sallie, were listed in the city directory at this location. Roberts was manager of the RG Dunn & Company, a mercantile agency. The Roberts family remained owner-occupants until 1930. In 1935 Paul H. and Thelma Lehman purchased the house for their residence, owning it until 1979. Paul Lehman was an employee of PH Hanes Knitting Company (OS, TR, CD, SH)

Behind the house is a contributing one-car vertical board frame garage with a gable roof, which appears to pre-date 1930.

The home was featured on the West End Association’s 2016 Holiday Tour of Homes.