520. Jones-Coleman House (FY 1935)
1015 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1920
This small bungalow is typical in form, material, and detail of many of those built in the West End and elsewhere during the 1910’s and 1920’s. It is a one-and-a-half story house with a pebbledash first story, a wood shingled upper story, a steep gable roof whose slopes curve down and out toward front and rear, widely overhanging braced eaves, a front shed dormer, and an engaged porch with tapered wood posts on brick plinths and a recently added plain balustrade. The glass panel front door has sidelights and is flanked by three-part bungalow windows.
Sanborn Maps show that the house was built post 1917, and the first city directory listing was for Wiley R. and Ida Jones in 1921. Between the Jones occupancy of the early 1920’s, and 1939, when the house’s longest-term owner acquired it, the house had several owners and occupants. In 1939 H. Russell and Bina Coleman purchased the property for their residence, and they owned it until 1959. (SH, CD, TR)
Garage, Contributing: Behind the house is a two-car brick garage with a shed roof which appears to predate 1930.