517. Harry A. Cunningham House (FY 1932)

517. Harry A. Cunningham House (FY 1932)
1032 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1921
Identical to 1028 West End Boulevard (516) next door, the Cunningham House is a handsome and well-preserved one-and-a-half-story frame bungalow whose first story is sheathed with weatherboards and upper story is sheathed with coursed wood shingles. The house has a broad gable roof with overhanging eaves and simple bargeboards, a matching front dormer, groups of bungalow style windows, a Craftsman front door with a pedimented, crossetted, and battered surround, and an engaged front porch with groups of tapered wood posts on brick plinths and a plain balustrade. Typical of West End landscaping, the front yard is bordered by a stone retaining wall, and stone steps lead up the yard to the steep front steps of the house.


Harry A. Cunningham acquired the property in 1921, and by the following year he and his wife, Estella, were listed at this location in the city directory. Harry Cunningham was a sales agent for the National Cash Register Company. The Cunninghams occupied the house until around 1933, and subsequently it went through numerous owners and occupants. (TR, CD)