516. Hollenback-Garner House (FY 1931)
1028 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1922
One of the most striking features of this house is that it is identical to its next door neighbor, 1032 West End Boulevard (517). The well-preserved bungalow is a oneĀ-and-a-half-story frame dwelling with a weatherboarded first story, a coursed wood shingle second story, a broad gable roof with overhanging, bargeboarded eaves, a matching front dormer, and an engaged front porch with groups of tapered wood posts on brick plinths and a plain balustrade. Bungalow style windows are typically grouped, and the front door is accented by a crossetted, pedimented, and battered surround. A steep flight of steps leads up the front yard to the house.
The house was first listed in the 1922 city directory as the residence of N. A. Bost, but tax records and directories show that its early history held many turnovers. In 1934, however, H. H. Hollenbeck (or Halenbeck) purchased the property, and he and his wife, Anna, occupied the house until around 1945, At that time it was acquired by Samuel Garner, of T. H. Garner Foods, and he and his wife, Ila, occupied it. They owned the house until 1963, and thereafter the property changed ownership frequently. (CD,TR)