496. Morrisette-Dowdy House (FY 1912)
151 Piedmont Avenue
Contributing, 1921
Although simple, this one-story frame bungalow has its own distinguishing features. Of particular interest are the three-part facade windows, each composed of a central large window flanked by two narrow windows. Other features of the house include a very broad gable roof with overhanging braced eaves, a low shed-roofed dormer, and a front porch with groups of slender Tuscan posts connected by a plain balustrade with central “star” panels. The house has been sheathed with aluminum siding and the foundation with formstone, but its central character still dominates.
Lizzie E. Morrisette purchased the property in December, 1920, and by 1922 she and her husband, Stephen H. Morrisette, of Morrisette Dry Goods, were listed at this address. The Morrisette’s sold the house to Johnathan A. and Mattie Boyer in 1928. The longest owner-occupant was Mrs. Bessie H. Dowdy, a teacher at South Fork School, who owned the house from 1944 to 1962, (TR, CD)