470. Levin House (FY 1891)

470. Levin House (FY 1891)
1304 W. Fourth Street
Contributing, ca. 1921

The Levin House is a simple but handsome Craftsman style dwelling. The two-story house has a weatherboarded first story (recently covered with vinyl siding but with little adverse effect on the overall integrity of the house) and a wood shingled second story. Other characteristics include a broad front-facing gable roof with overhanging braced eaves, grouped windows, a second story rear sleeping porch, a central French entrance door with matching sidelights, and a front porch with paneled wood posts on brick plinths which extends beyond the north side of the house. Typical of West End landscaping, there are granite front yard steps and retaining wall.


The house was first listed in the 1921 city directory as the residence of George E. and Mattie Powell. In 1922 Louis Levin, president of Harrison’s Inc. (ladies ready-to-wear) and manager of the Rosenbloom-Levy Company, purchased the property, and the following year he and his wife, Jewel, were listed at this location. Although Herman Silbert purchased the house in 1930, Simon and Dora Levin, presumably related to Louis and Jewel, occupied the house until at least 1938. Penelope Gallins bought the house in 1937, and she and subsequent owners rented the property. (TR, CD)