469. Cherry-Daye House (FY 1890)
1300 W. Fourth Street
Contributing, ca. 1916
This is a simple bungalow typical of many built in the 1910’s and 1920’s. The one and-a-half-story frame house is characterized by a very broad gable roof with overhanging bracketed eaves and cornice returns, a front shed dormer, paired sixteen-over-one sash windows, and a front porch with square wood posts on brick plinths. In recent years it was sheathed with aluminum siding, but this has detracted little from the overall character of the house.
L. H. and Hattie Cherry were the first recorded occupants of the house, in the 1916 city directory. In 1920, however, the property was sold to Mary Daye, the wife of Anies Daye, owner of The Sweet Shop. Anies Daye was surely related to Charles Daye next door (468). The Dayes occupied the house until at least 1950 and owned the property until 1980. (CD, TR, SH)