456. Warwick H. Schultz House (FY 1877)
1208 W. Fourth Street
Contributing, ca. 1921
The Schultz House is a good example of one type of the many Craftsman-influenced houses built in the West End during the 1910’s and 1920’s. It is a two-story, nearly square, stuccoed house with a slate-covered hip roof with overhanging eaves and exposed rafter ends, a matching front dormer, grouped windows, and a front porch with tapered wood posts on stuccoed plinths with a solid stuccoed balustrade.
The first city directory listing for the house was in 1922, when it was the residence of Marvin H. and Maude Swaim. In 1924 Harwick H. and Jessie D. Schultz purchased the house for their home, although by 1940 they were using it as rental property. They retained ownership until 1946, and the house has had several owners since then. (CD, TR)