390. James House (FY 1818)
923 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1916
Like many West End houses built in the 1910’s and 1920’s, the James House displays a combination of Colonial Revival and Craftsman style features. It is a handsome two-story dwelling with a pebbledash first story, a coursed wood shingle second story, a low hip roof with widely overhanging enclosed eaves and a matching front dormer, eight-over-eight sash windows with louvered shutters, and a wrap-around porch with paneled wood posts set on a pebbledash balustrade with attached Craftsman flower boxes. Wooded yards flank the house.
Lois N. James purchased the property in 1916 and the following year the house was depicted on the Sanborn Hap. Lois James and her husband, Allison, lived in the house through the 1920’s. It was then rented for some years, but in 1961 Allison and his then wife, Freda, returned to the West End Boulevard house. It remained in James ownership until 1974. (SH, TR, CD)
Garage, Noncontributing:Behind the house is a two-car weatherboarded garage with a gable roof which appears to have been built after 1930.