389. J. N. Still House (FY 1817)

389. J. N. Still House (FY 1817)
915 West End Boulevard
Contributing, ca. 1905

The oldest house on West End Boulevard south of Summit Street, the Still House is a two-story frame Colonial Revival dwelling typical of its ca. 1905 construction date. The simple but dignified weatherboarded house has a hip roof with overhanging eaves and modillioned cornice, a slightly projecting right front bay, a glass and wood paneled double-leaf entrance with transom, and a one-story facade porch with Tuscan columns and a plain balustrade.


John N. Still, a life insurance agent, purchased the property in 1903, and by 1906 he and his wife, Eva, were listed in the city directory at this location. Mrs. Still occupied the house at least until the 1960’s, and the family retained ownership until 1973. (TR, CD)