376. Dr. J.C. Watkins House (FY 1807)

376. Dr. J.C. Watkins House (FY 1807)
810 West End Boulevard
Contributing, 1909

The Watkins House is a large two-story frame dwelling with Colonial Revival detailing typical of its early twentieth century period. The nearly square house has a truncated hip roof with hipped dormers, a Classical cornice with corner modillions, and a wrap-around porch with Tuscan columns and a plain balustrade. Although the house was sheathed with asbestos shingles during mid-century, its details remain clearly stated. Standing on the hill above West End Boulevard, the house has a terraced front lawn and a stone retaining wall and steps.


Dr. Joseph G. Watkins, a dentist, purchased the property in 1908 and built the house soon thereafter. It remained the Watkins family residence until the late 1930’s. (TR, CD, I-Meade Willis, Jr.)


Garage, Contributing: Behind the house is a one-car brick garage with a shed roof which appears to have been built prior to 1930.